Hey Y’all, I’m Tiffany


I’m a life coach living life with Crohn’s disease. I used mindfulness and lifestyle changes to heal my mind and body which has allowed me to live a life I once thought was impossible. I share insights from my own health and wellness journey and help other women and IBD warriors transform their own lives!

Growing up an only child with severe Crohn’s disease in a single parent household created a lot of major challenges in my life. Ultimately, the biggest challenge I had to face was myself and the detrimental beliefs I had formed.

I used to think that being afraid was a good reason to stop. Now I realize that being afraid doesn’t have to be a roadblock. Fear can be the fuel for life-changing personal growth and unbelievable adventures.

Individually, life coaching, mindfulness and yoga have amazing benefits and when they are combined, truly incredible things happen!

Face your fears and start living the life you want, not the one you think you’re stuck with.

Women’s Life Coaching

Find your voice and make yourself a priority!

IBD Life Coaching

Learn about my Crohn’s journey and how I can help you heal your body and mind. A diagnosis isn’t the end of your life, it’s the beginning of a new one.

Nurture Your Mind-Body Connection.

What we think, we feel. Healing and growth starts in the mind. Becoming aware of what we really want and need is the key to transformation. Mindfulness is a powerful tool to create meaningful change our lives. If you’re a woman or an IBD warrior ready to heal from the inside out, schedule your FREE 30-min virtual consultation today!