Radical Acceptance

Tara claims, “Radical Acceptance is the willingness to experience ourselves and our life as it is.” I became willing to experience it all fully without the façade and that’s when my life really began to change for the better.

Only Me

A lot of assumptions are hurled at only children. People just assume you’re a spoiled brat who has been handed everything you could ever want in life. They just assume things were calm and peaceful in your household because it was just you and your parents must have been so attentive to your every whim. They assume you’re socially awkward and don’t know how to make friends or interact with people. They assume you’re still spoiled as an adult and have always had a great support system. That was not my experience whatsoever.

Daring Greatly

I love Brené Brown. I’ve seen many of her talks and interviews. I host a discussion group for her podcast. She is such an inspiration. I really wanted to love this book, it just wasn’t for me. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great book. I was so excited to read it and have myContinueContinue reading “Daring Greatly”

Bathroom Battle

When you have IBD, you often feel like you’re in a battle for the bathroom. Here are some tactics to conquer the bathroom battle.

Chronically Offended

There will always be people looking for a reason to be offended. Let them.