30 Years of Crohn’s

Having Crohn’s has taught me what matters most in life. It’s taught me how to connect with my inner strength. It’s taught me how to sacrifice what I want now for what I want more in the future. It’s taught me how to accept what was, what is and what is to come. It’s taught me how to be grateful for the life I’ve lived and how to look forward to the journey ahead. Most importantly, it’s taught me how to prioritize myself.

For Jesse

When everyone was discouraging me from making different choices for my life, Jesse was always there to encourage me to live my own life and make my own mistakes. Knowing he was just a text or call away gave me so much strength and courage to confront the world.

College & Crohn’s

It was an incredibly lonely time in a life full of loneliness but it’s also when things really started to turn around for me.

The Choice

“Expression is the opposite of depression,” Dr. Eger claims. As depression rates continue to climb, we need to put an emphasis on expression. Too many people suffer in silence, slowly being eaten away by the past.

Face Your Fear

Don’t let people who are afraid to live their own lives tell you how to live yours!

Why I Became The IBD Life Coach

Today, I’m so grateful for my disease and the constant struggles it has brought into my life. I’m stronger than Crohn’s disease and it took going through hell for me to realize that for myself. Now I use what I have learned through the many hardships and tough lessons I’ve experienced throughout my life to help others find a way out of the darkness.

Exercise and IBD

Joint pain and fatigue are common when you have IBD. It can be so hard to motivate ourselves to exercise when we are in pain and already exhausted but exercise is so important for pain relief and improving our health.

Never Give Up

Never give up! You can overcome the challenges life throws at you!

Crohn’s Disease and Yoga

Crohn’s disease has always been a giant obstacle in my life. I began having obvious symptoms at 7 years old. I was terrified. I was so scared that I did not tell anyone for over a year. My life since has been a blur of doctors, pills, hospital beds, IVs, intense pain, and crippling depressionContinueContinue reading “Crohn’s Disease and Yoga”