30 Years of Crohn’s

Having Crohn’s has taught me what matters most in life. It’s taught me how to connect with my inner strength. It’s taught me how to sacrifice what I want now for what I want more in the future. It’s taught me how to accept what was, what is and what is to come. It’s taught me how to be grateful for the life I’ve lived and how to look forward to the journey ahead. Most importantly, it’s taught me how to prioritize myself.

College & Crohn’s

It was an incredibly lonely time in a life full of loneliness but it’s also when things really started to turn around for me.

Think on Purpose

The more I called bullshit on negative thought patterns, the more my health improved. The more I started consciously deciding what to think, the more my life improved.

The Pleasure Trap

Book Review: The Pleasure Trap: Mastering the Hidden Force that Undermines Health & Happiness by Douglas J. Lisle and Alan Goldhamer

Why I Became The IBD Life Coach

Today, I’m so grateful for my disease and the constant struggles it has brought into my life. I’m stronger than Crohn’s disease and it took going through hell for me to realize that for myself. Now I use what I have learned through the many hardships and tough lessons I’ve experienced throughout my life to help others find a way out of the darkness.


Diet can definitely be a four letter word. Just hearing this word can produce tremendous anxiety for some.

Intermittent Fasting

“Why are you trying to lose weight when you’re already so skinny?” This is always the first question I get when I say I practice intermittent fasting. No, I’m not trying to lose weight. I’m giving my digestive system a break and practicing self-control.

Exercise and IBD

Joint pain and fatigue are common when you have IBD. It can be so hard to motivate ourselves to exercise when we are in pain and already exhausted but exercise is so important for pain relief and improving our health.


When someone tells you, “You’re just lucky,” and dismisses all your hard work and dedication.

Productive Pain

Don’t let pain keep you from the life you want.